Thursday, May 2, 2024

Letter to the Editor: Pot

Dear Editor,

Colusa (the city) is Going to Pot. Raising pot, selling pot, smoking pot, attracting pot heads from other cities, and all this just to put money in Colusa’s pot!

The Sacramento Valley, along with the San Joaquin Valley, raise much, if not most, of the produce in our state, and to a degree, our whole country! It’s a proud acclamation. Do we really want to add pot to the list of our products?

As far as “Attracting pot heads from other cities,” Williams is considering a similar deterioration of values. One of their arguments to not promote pot is that Colusa is doing it, so Williams does not have to. They can just send their Druggies across the Freeway to Colusa!

The major argument for pot is the money it will add to Colusa’s coffers. Accepting that, I suggest we set up a Prostitution industry like “Mustang Ranch.” We could call it “Colusa Corral.” Additionally, maybe organize a “theft gang” which would have City Approval to make money for us to add to our pot. Then, also we could …

Just think what we could do with all those dollars. But remember, “The love of money is the root of all evil.”

Walter Ringler
Colusa, CA

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