Thursday, May 2, 2024

Opinion: Hello from Scotland

It’s been nearly a week since we arrived in Edinburgh. Now we are in Inverness and heading today to Glasgow. So far it has been magical.

The cities look like storybook towns. The countryside is lush and green. The people are welcoming and kind. The history abounds.

Excitement on our last day in Edinburgh. Our hotel was evacuated at 6 AM for fire. All is well.

We have visited chapels, historic cemeteries, seen castles, sailed the Loch Ness (no sign of the Water Beastie) and met some Highland Coos up close and personal. A visit to Clava Carins was mystical. We’ve clocked thousands of Fitbit steps. Lovely overall travels and we aren’t finished yet.

Things I’ve learned: for hire drivers drive really, really fast; bacon is a slab of ham; sausage is big and bold (no Jimmy Dean here); a cow is a coo; and not all rooms have a toilet and shower in the room (they are sometimes shared and across the hall); service folks are shocked when they are tipped (they do appreciate it though); you can stop for a wee cup of tea; most coffee is instant; and the Scottish love their cake, which is most any baked item.

We have discovered they know what they are doing. Delicious everything. Cullen Skink is basically clam chowder, only made instead with smoked haddock. You can get vegetarian haggis. Velvet said it tasted like stuffing. High on the list of Scottish fare is macaroni and cheese. I even had a Mac and cheese pie.

On Monday, most of Scotland (closed) down out of respect and to mourn Queen Elizabeth.

We saw St Giles Cathedral where she had lain in state. At Roslyn Chapel, we signed the Royal Family’s remembrance book. Maybe they’ll even read the messages.

Life is surely good today.


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