Friday, May 17, 2024

Life is good: Keto by accident

A few weeks ago, Tom and I decided we’d try eating low-carb/low sugar. Who knew it would result in weight loss for both of us?

Over the past weeks, I’ve started exploring my options to cook the things we like and keeping it in the realm of the ever popular Keto eating.

I don’t claim to be Keto friendly, but I do claim that I figured out how to make really good stuff, minus the guilt.

We even have cheesecake and cream pies and still manage to drop the weight.

Now, if I could justify eating a pan of fried potatoes, I’d be happy. I do miss the spuds. The good news is that I set a weight loss goal for myself to meet before heading to Scotland. Today, two weeks from our departure date, I have just 4 more ounces to lose. Woothoot!
There are so many products out there now that have made our journey pretty simple. I am thankful for that.

Well, my oldest child is 50 today. She is 50 and fabulous, and I am old. Gotta do the math at some point, I guess. Still, I look at these talented, beautiful, and decent human beings I produced, and it’s worth getting old. If I never accomplish another thing in my life, it’s OK. I look at them and know I did something right. It’s all good.

Life is good today.■

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