Friday, May 3, 2024

Life, as I See it: For the love of a pet

I used to cringe at the thought of having a cat. Yet, somehow they were always attracted to me.

When daughter Tiffany and I lived at the farm, we attracted a whole passel of the tiny critters.

When I married Tom and moved to the lake, another kitty adopted us. She was a streetwise little parlor panther. She had one squared off ear and one tiny curly ear. She was tough as nails, and even sent a raccoon running one day.

Yet, she became fond of me and would come in twice a day to eat and then sit in my lap for a while.

When we decided to move to North Dakota, I knew that I couldnt leave her behind.

Now named Chloe, she proved to be a perfect traveler.

Although I worried about her running the streets once here, I didnt need to worry. She never left the house. She used to look out the window from the loft. Im pretty sure once she saw snow for the first time, she figured out she wasnt in California anymore.

She was my constant companion until last Wednesday. That was the day she finally left. Chloe made her last journey.

Our pets play a gigantic role in our emotional well-being. No matter the species, we become attached. When they are gone, there is this vast hole left in our hearts.

Ive still felt her presence here. I find myself expecting to find her sleeping next to me. I suspect those emotions will continue for a while.

I dont have a desire to get another cat. Tom has his pooch Rocky, so that should be enough.
I just get too attached and dont feel the need to go through that again.

As the old saying goes, ” all dogs go to heaven.” I believe that God has a special place for all of our pets: dogs, cats, birds and so on.

So, although Im sad, life is still good today. – 

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