Friday, May 17, 2024

Life, as I See it: Celebrate

Theres a lot to celebrate in the Craigo Clan this week. 

We now have three February birthdays. 

Brand new grandson Bodhi Everest Craigo joined us on February 2. He arrived healthy, happy, and handsome on our daughter-in-law Beckys birthday. Yesterday, he met his adoring family when we celebrated grandson Gages 15th year.

We are more than blessed.

Of course, Im the first to say Bodhi is a perfect little man. So far, so good because hes a very content little fella.

Winter weather is finally here in North Dakota. Were looking at at least another week of sub-zero temperatures. I had a comment from a California friend yesterday about how cold it is here. My response, of course, was that North Dakotans are tough. Tough we are indeed, but were nothing compared to the pioneers who came before us. They really faced the elements. Today, we have warm houses, indoor plumbing, and insulated clothing.

Yesterday, our Alexa temperature reading was -21. It warmed up today to -9.

But, just like in California, when it goes above 100, it doesnt make a lot of difference when it dips below zero.

Honestly, I do better in the cold than I do in the heat. I must be in the right place.

I learned this week to make sushi. It wasnt perfect, but it was pretty tasty. I think Ill get it with some practice. I thought about my friend Chef Keith Erickson and his efforts to teach us how to make California rolls. He did it with very little effort and they were wonderful. Someday, Ill perfect it. Cooking, like everything else, is a matter of research and practice.

Cooking gives me pleasure and comfort. Today on this sub-zero day, I have a beef roast slow cooking. I might bake a cake later today. The warmth of the oven and the smell of the food make it pretty easy to adapt to North Dakota living. I guess Im not so tough after all. 

God bless the farmers and ranchers out there in the cold. They are the really tough ones.

Life is good today. ™£

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