Friday, May 3, 2024

Letter to the Editor: Thank you.

Letter to the editor
Dear Editor,
I take this opportunity to recognize and praise the excellent and thorough coverage you have given our case from the beginning. Thank you.
This community is deserving of repetitious utterances of gratitude, appreciation, and attention.
Below is a random list of acts of kindness extended to our family; they include: hanging a Victims Rights banner, placing blue ribbons around trees and at the entrance of Rocco’s; baking cookies with blue icing; weeks of serious prayer; wearing blue clothing and cross necklaces, holding palm crosses; sending cards; strangers waving; and other ways of showing support for our family.
We were touched that so many were willing to enter into a very emotional space surrounding our family.
These symbols of encouragement and support were not limited to Colusa; out-of-state family and friends joined in.
District Attorney Brenden Farrell worked diligently to represent, seek, and ultimately secure Justice for Erik.
In closing, when God decreed the Sixth Commandment – Thou Shout Not Kill, He meant it.
Valerie Ingebretsen
Colusa, CA

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