Thursday, May 16, 2024

Life is good today: What we need

We don’t need stuff as much as we need moments.

In the past weeks, Tom and I have been sorting, reevaluating, and prepping for our upcoming garage sale.

With each day, it has become more and more clear that we need to let go.

We need to let go of so many possessions. Some things we have are taking up space here when they may be needed by someone else. Time to let go.

Instead, we’ll focus on time and relationships.

This week, we were honored to be witness to something special. We watched in the courtroom as two of our favorite people became father and son. 

It was 13 years coming. Finally, they are officially family. What a blessing.

God bless you Scott and Aaron. You are both a piece of my heart.

Again, it is the value of collecting moments with those you love.

I’m as guilty as anyone when it comes to liking ‘stuff’ and having too much. Over the years, I’ve had collections to which I kept adding more and more. Why? The collections, once so important, are long gone. Only a few favorites remain.

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized it’s more about people and moments than things.

I have been blessed time and again.

Recently, we were blessed by granddaughter Lea’s sister Latrice joining our family. It is wonderful to have her be a part of us. It is even more wonderful that the girls are reunited and now are together forever.

Life is good today.

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