Thursday, May 16, 2024

life as i see it And so it begins. . .

I have a sure fire sign that the holidays are upon us.

My birthday has come and gone, and I’ve had my holiday singing birthday call from singing pal, Vern.

This morning, Christmas music was playing and I am planning my favorite things: baking, decorating, tree trimming, and gingerbread icing with the grandkids. 

I look forward to making the traditional Craigo Clan favorites, as well as trying a few new recipes.

Last week, we spent a few days in Red Lodge, Montana, and we ate a few of the Amish treats available there. Now, I’ve figured out how to make their fabulous raspberry rolls (or so I think) so I’m going to give it a try.

With the traveling we’ve done this year, I’ve learned a thing or two about different foods. It’ll be a long winter here in North Dakota, so I plan to practice some new things.

Tom spoiled me a bit for my birthday and gifted me with some great things. Some practical, some beautiful, and overall wonderful.

I know I am blessed. 

No. 1 blessing is to be as old as I am – and still moving every day. I’ve got to keep moving!

With the pleasure of staying in a cabin in the mountains, also came a bit of guilt.

We dropped off Rocky dog at the doggie hotel before leaving. Since we’ve been back, he’s pretty mellow, but I swear every now and again, I catch him giving me the side eye. He’s either trying to figure out why we left him, or he’s plotting his revenge. Who’s to say? 

Life is good today.

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