Thursday, May 16, 2024

Life is good: Take a minute. . .

Take a minute to remember. Take a minute from your busy life to recall the people that died on 9/11.

As we go about our routines, as we become self-absorbed in what we think we need, how we should live and who we should please; remember.

Take a minute. It’s not all about you or me. It’s not about who is right or wrong. It’s about care and appreciation for one another.

Not everyone likes everyone with whom they come into contact. But as human beings, it is our duty to make an effort.

Hundreds of families, these 20 years later, continue to mourn the loss of their loved ones. Those of us that still have at least some of our family should do our very best to make sure it continues as a unit of appreciation and love.

One of my dearest friends lost her mother yesterday. I know her pain because my parents too are gone. I learned not to take for granted time with my folks. In the last days, it was tough to visit with them. Dementia made it hard sometimes. 

Sept. 11, 2001 was the day we learned my late husband, my children’s dad, would not survive a malignant brain tumor. We, as a family, walked that journey with him for the next nine months.

It was a journey hardest for him, but it reached our hearts as well.

So, on 9/11 we remember. We remember our personal loss. We remember our country’s  loss.

If you still have around you the people you love; take a minute. Take a minute to be kind and share your love with them. Do not at the end of the day have any would’ve, could’ve or should’ve moments.

Life is good today.

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