Saturday, May 18, 2024

Life is Good: Life Well-Traveled

There’s a path for each of us. I believe that the path is chosen for us. On our life’s journey, we meet the people we need to know.

In my lifetime, I’ve been acquainted with people from most every walk of life. Each person I have met has taught to me something I needed to learn. We each have struggles, triumphs, and rewards. But it’s the people we meet who help us through each step.

First, I met my honorary sister LeAnn. She introduced to me my honorary brother Vernon.
One especially icy trip home from South Dakota almost 30 years ago, I slid into a ditch. I was near where Vernon lived so I called him for help. He rescued me and took me to his mom’s house. There, I met Mom Joyce.

Joyce was a force of nature that welcomed me to her home and adopted me as one of her own for the remainder of her lifetime. Her lifetime here on earth ended last week. Now, we celebrate her memory. Now, we recall the blessing she was to so many. From Joyce I learned lessons of love, laughter, and appreciation of life.

We will miss her.

I’m a mother hen. I try to curb the urge but some days it’s just too hard to control. Yesterday was one of those days.

My 43-year-old son ran a marathon in some pretty rough terrain. I went early and waited to make sure I’d see him at the finish line. I know I hovered, but it was worth it. The bonus was when my 2-year-old grandson Bodhi ran out to meet him and ran the last few yards in his dad’s footprints. That was a triumph day.

I have to commend anyone who runs these races. As the runners came in, they were from states all over the United States. Some were very young, and some were seasoned. All who tried should be admired.

We see these people and we meet these people for a reason. It gives us courage to do things we didn’t know we could do. I’m not going to run a marathon, but I am going to try harder to improve my health.

Life is good today.

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