Saturday, May 18, 2024

Life is Good: It’s a song

There’s been a lot of hoopla about a country song this week. Some folks proudly embrace its lyrics, while others have bashed its content.

I’m a curious sort, so I looked up the lyrics. While it suggests some retaliation against anyone who messes with others, it doesn’t even come close to the accepted crap we have heard from other songs.

I don’t listen to or read things that offend me. I’m not sure why you would.

Like anything else, this too will pass. Let it go. It’s a song.

There are many more causes for which to take up our crosses. I’d rather focus my energy on trying to solve some important situations.

The only thing done this week has been to promote the song and the artist by bringing attention to it all.

I worked in public relations long enough to know a good PR campaign when I see it. I bet it’s selling music.

There is a lot more out there to worry about. It’s a song.

Aren’t we lucky to have the freedom to choose?

Our town each year places beautification awards on well-kept yards. It means a great deal to the homeowners who try to keep things looking good.

My husband Tom works hard to keep our yard nice, and each year he’s been awarded with a sign.

I think it’s pretty nice of our city to recognize the folks making an effort.

In winter, we escaped the snow and spent a few weeks in Oceanside, Ca. The most impressive thing we see in that city is the cleanliness and the upkeep. You may see a rundown house, but, at the same time, you’ll see a well-maintained property surrounding it.

Apparently, it’s a city ordinance thing there.

At any rate, Tom is once again happy to have his sign. He spends a lot of time working on our yard.

Good for him and every other recipient.

Life is good today. ■

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