Sunday, May 5, 2024

Life is good… Youth is gone

When you grow up in a small town, and go to school in small schools, it is easy to become family.

The kids you attended high school with are likely the same ones you were with in elementary school.

And so it was with my upbringing.

When we lose one of those people, it is like losing family.

The Gustafson boys, Mark and Gerald (Gus), have been like brothers to me my whole life.

Today, I heard that Gus had passed.

So many memories have been going through my heart and mind today as I think about yesterday, when we were young.

Our youth is gone, but we were blessed to have grown as up country kids. We were blessed to grow up together.

God’s speed my friend. You were always my protector.

This has been a crazy weather year. All over the country things are running amok.
This morning, here in North Dakota, the snow plows are out yet another time! It’s March! Yesterday was kind of a white-out nightmare.

Although Punxsutawney Phil’s ex-wife Phillis called him a pathological liar when he predicted six more weeks of winter, she may have been mistaken. I think the old boy was right.

I don’t know about the rest of the world, but I’m pretty much done with it.

However, we are very thankful for our city crews and our beloved neighbors that clean our streets and driveways. They are all the best. Even if it snows a bit, it is still a pleasure to call North Dakota home. We could not ask for better people to be around us.

We are blessed. Life is good today. ■

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