Saturday, May 18, 2024

Come Park With Me

Thomas Roach – Guest Columnist

What began as a crisp January morning experience transformed into a stormy and cold close of February. I think we all had a concern for our citrus.

I did enjoy the brief four-day glimpse of the spring around Feb. 15. I do believe that spring is upon us; each of my front yard Spring indicators have pronounced the beginning of a wonderful Spring. The daffodils are the strongest indicator of all.

It is a wonderful sight to have the coast range bright with snow, making the beautiful views worth the slight delay of Spring.

Even with the recent rain, it is important to provide water to our trees. Hydration this time of year is especially important. It is a good rule of thumb to keep grass 30 inches from the trunk, as the grass will rob much needed moisture from the tree.

We have a grant being submitted by the city through the grant writer that is of exceptional importance to the community. The grant, part of the federal Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) program, targets accessibility to the heart of the city, while focusing specifically on the areas around the City’s schools. Being awarded this grant could bring $20 million of infrastructure to the City of Colusa. The social aspect of walking to school builds lasting friendships and strong networking for our future community leaders. This grant would ensure the pleasantness of this daily trek as well as its safety.

Round two of the Rotary tree planting is upon us. Thank you to all the community members donating their time and work in making this happen. An absolute salute to our Colusa Rotary Club members for their constant support of our community. This is a great idea that benefits us all for many years to come.

Our downtown is exceptionally vibrant as we wind down our winter months. The storefronts of our local businesses represent a solid community pride. The woman-owned businesses are driving our local economy. From La Tiendita on 1st to Friends Around the Block on 8th.

From Accounting, Banking, Dinner, Drinks, Flowers, Haircuts, Hearing Aids, Lunch, and Real Estate, we are stacked with hard working women-owned businesses.

Richie’s Florist has three generations of women side by side creating bouquets. Absolutely perfect. It is a fourth generation shop.

Two standouts from my childhood were Mrs. Davison and Mrs. Erdelt. They opened the store, ran the store, and closed the store. The epitome of hard work and community service. I want to thank you both for contributing to the well being of our community. A deep thank you to all our local businesses and the pioneers before you.

Let us embrace the hard work of everyone making our community run so well. Cheers to a wonderful Spring.â– 

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