Friday, May 17, 2024

Opinion Joy and Outrage

First the joy: It’s been a great few days here in Oceanside, Calif. My pal Carolan came from Colusa to visit.

For a while, it has seemed like the old days, when we enjoyed shopping, lunching, and the occasional girl’s trips.

She’ll go back today, but we’ll see her again soon.

Earlier this week, Tom and I visited the San Diego Zoo. It is spectacular, and the animals have natural habitats. No cages. We spent the whole day there and clocked four miles on our Fitbit’s.

Yesterday, Tom went on a charter fishing boat. He caught some small white fish, but donated them all to a deckhand to take home to his family.

Now the outrage: Last week someone tampered with our tires, and we had to have them all repaired. It cost $389 to repair.

For the rest of our stay, we will be parking in our host’s fenced in back area and not on the street.

It’s time to go back to North Dakota! Snow, ice, and freezing temperatures and the like. Life is still better on the prairie.

For today, we will take Carolan back to the airport, but first we will visit the iconic statue of the sailor kissing the nurse at the USS Midway. There is the bonus of Lobster Benedict for brunch.

Life is good today. ■

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