Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Opinion Who’s to say?

Who’s to say why some trees are spared while one right next door will be uprooted and fall to the ground or even on a car or home.

The storm here last night did just that. We were lucky to have just lost branches and limbs, and have patio furniture blown around.

A drive around town this morning reminded us how blessed we had been in the 70-80 mph wind, heavy rain, lightning, thunder, and hail.

Some of the beautiful old trees that have graced our town for so many years are gone. It is so sad to see the loss to our beautiful parks.

My heart hurts for the folks that endured so much damage.

We went out today and saw a massive clean-up taking place all over town. It’s like most things here. People help each other.

There were city crews and also private citizens with trucks, trailers, and equipment pitching in everywhere.

We had a family BBQ here earlier last evening. It was great for swimming and visiting outside. Little did we know what was coming. This morning, there were tree limbs and debris in the pool and the hot tub.

Thankfully, nothing hit our cars. Tom just got a new car last week.

This has been a challenging year here, weather wise. Even so, life is good here in Beach, ND. ■

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