Sunday, May 19, 2024

Midnight Train to Georgia 

As the song says, we’re about to leave on a midnight train to Georgia. In actuality, it’s a morning departure in a Camry, but the end destination is the same.

Finally, after two years of canceling and rescheduling, we are making the long-awaited trip south. We plan to take our time and see as much of the south as we can. We plan to explore and, of course, indulge in some of that fine southern cooking.

The bonus will be visiting our dear friends Gary and Katherine Teragawa in Georgia. Along the way home, we will see my cousins Jimmy and Deena, both in Arkansas.

I’m used to making cross-country trips, but always before to California. This will be an all-new adventure for me. 

I’ve been to Arkansas before, but as a child, so I wasn’t driving.

I have high hopes of seeing some beautiful fall colors. We’ll spend three days in Kentucky and visit the replica Noah’s Ark. Just imagine, fall foliage and blue grass!

Nothing makes me happier than a road trip, and this one promises to be a doozy.

We are blessed to be able to do this, and we’re blessed to have daughter Velvet taking care of Rocky. Maybe he’ll have better manners when we get back.

Growing up, my dad’s baby sister Betty lived with us. Although she’s my aunt, we agree we are more like sisters. This week, Betty fell and fractured her hip. She did great in surgery, but will have six weeks of rehabilitation. 

I called to talk to her and, as usual, she was upbeat and rolling with the circumstances. If you pray, please pray for Betty. She’s a special person for sure.

The last day of summer was this week. We covered the pool, but the grandkids visited and can still use the trampoline for a while longer.

With the end of summer comes the anticipation of fall and winter events. I’m a sucker for all the holiday events and preparations. It does my heart good.

Life is good today.

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