Sunday, May 12, 2024

May in the garden: What to plant?

Direct seed in the garden cucumbers, melons, summer squash, beans, corn, and annual herbs.

Plant sunflowers, zinnias, cosmos, marigolds and aster in the flower garden.

Fertilize summer blooming flowers early in the month.

Apply (or re-apply as needed) organic mulch to all beds to keep the soil cool and enrich the soil. Be sure to leave space around the base of the plants.

Trim the dead flowers, but not the leaves from spring bulbs. The leaves restore the bulb; so wait to remove them until they turn yellow. Fertilize the bulbs after the bloom is finished with bone meal.

Later in the month prune spring flowering shrubs to shape, removing old and dead wood. The plants flower on the growth that happens during the summer; do not prune in the fall or winter, or you will have no flowers on the shrub.

Continue the battle against slugs and snails.

Deadhead (cut off spent flowers) to get continuing bloom on annuals and perennials.
Thin peaches, plums and nectarines so there is 6” between fruits.■

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