Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Letter to the editor – Colusa Events

Dear Editor,

There is a lot of truth in the saying that “ no good deed goes unpunished” and it is my opinion that the controversy around Taco Fest and the other 2021 festivities is to some extent as the result of some people who want to punish certain City staff for the acts of community spirit and good intent that made some uncomfortable. Although I am not a current resident, I did have an office on Market Street and had several interactions with the City staff that was responsible making the fun and excitement happen downtown Colusa and I was always extremely impressed with the hard work and the generosity of spirit that drove City staff to do these good acts on behalf of the people of Colusa.

I want to thank the City Council and City Staff for supporting these events and the efforts to revitalize Downtown, especially amidst a pandemic! While there were some good recommendations made in the Inquiry, I would ask the Council not to overlook the fact that all the expenditures and efforts were well intended and spent for public good. I want to commend the City for hosting Taco Fest in particular because it provided important outreach to our Mexican American residents that needs to be held up and expanded as the City moves forward. Colusa County is blessed by the contribution of our Mexican American community, and we need to provide more civic opportunities to bring our diverse communities together – like Taco Fest!

Finally, I would urge the Grand Jury to consider recommendations in their Final Report on how the City can recruit and retain excellent staff that want to work and live in Colusa. This is probably the hardest challenge for City staffing needs and perhaps if it was easier to recruit staff that want to live in Colusa the missteps and lack of oversight reported could have been avoided.

Viva Taco Fest!! Viva and Muchas Gracias to people of Good Will in Colusa!

Ben King

Colusa High School Class of 1977

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