Saturday, May 4, 2024

 Letters to the editor (May 5, 2022)

Dear Editor,

I attended the May 3, Colusa City Council meeting, where the public hearing for an ordinance to amend the City’s code for cannabis regulations was an agenda item. A large number of locals were in attendance during the public discussion, many stood at the podium to have their opinions and input heard. All but one of the speakers were strongly opposed to allowing dispensaries, especially in the downtown area. 

It was clear, as with every meeting with this agenda item that the standing room only turnouts, indicate the public’s opinion that the council would listen and reject allowing dispensaries. 

At the conclusion of public comment, Councilman Ponciano made a motion to table the idea of dispensaries. It died due to a lack of a second. It was then, that Mayor Reische made a motion to allow dispensaries anywhere in the city that had a light commercial designation. 

This motion was seconded by Councilman Vaca. A vote was called and Councilman Ponciano voted “Hell no”, Councilman Hill abstained. Unfortunately, Mayor Reische, Councilamnt Vaca, as well as former educator Councilwoman Conrado all voted YES!

It was abundantly clear that those councilpersons could have cared less what all their constituents have been saying for countless city meetings. They obviously have their own agenda and don’t seem to remember that they are there to represent, not dictate. 

It is an unfortunate story that, I think, will end poorly. I am saddened and sickened that the Council failed to heed the will of the people. 

Valente Bailey
Colusa, Calif. 

Dear Editor,

Last night the Colusa City Council executed the most arrogant, self serving, mis-carraige of representative democracy I’ve personally witnessed.  Following impassioned comments from a room filled with town citizens opposed to retail pot stores being opened in town, three, Mayor Reische, and Councilmembers Vaca and Conrado nailed the coffin shut on a revitalization of Colusa’s retail district. Councilmember Hill failed to vote and let us know where he really stood. The lone voice of reason was Councilmember Ponciano. 

Colusa is one of the few towns in America with enough remaining of its’ original character to potentially resurge and rebuild on its substantial foundation. To accomplish that, the council had the responsibility to ensure an environment most likely to be successful for entrepreneurs who might be willing to make the high-risk investment and open a new business here. Instead, for reasons known only to them that I won’t speculate on, the council voted approval of unfettered markets for the drug culture. Good job. 

The only action left for the citizens of Colusa is to remember, as each of these council members come up for re-election, this is the person who sold out your town for drugs. 

Jack Cunningham
Colusa, Calif.

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