Notice is hereby given that the Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District will hold a General District Election on August 29, 2023, pursuant to all mail ballot election procedures for the purpose of electing Directors for the following Board of Director positions:
1 Director – Division One (4-year term)
1 Director – Division Two (4-year term)
1 Director – Division Three (4-year term)
Qualified candidates for the position of Director in these Divisions must be voters and landowners within the division for which the nomination petition is filed.
Declarations of candidacy for eligible candidates for such positions are currently available and may be obtained from the District’s office at 344 East Laurel Street, Willows, California, 95988. Said declarations should be returned to the District’s office no later than 5:00 p.m. on June 2, 2023. If one or more of the incumbents has not declared their candidacy by June 2, 2023, the time to file declarations will be extended to 5:00 p.m. on June 7, 2023, for other candidates.
The candidate is to pay for the publication of a Candidate’s Statement pursuant to Elections Code section 13307.
FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in the event there are no nominees or an insufficient number of nominees for Divisions One, Two and Three, appointment of the directors will be made for such positions pursuant to California Election Code Section 10515.
The election will be conducted by the Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District and its designated representatives.
/s/ Thaddeus L. Bettner, General Manager
05/11/2023, 05/18/2023 – CCPR # 2023-0294