Thursday, October 3, 2024

Classifieds & Public Notices


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the PLANNING COMMISSION will hold a Public Hearing in the City Council chambers in the Colusa City Hall located at 425 Webster Street on Wednesday, June 14, at 7:00 p.m. or soon thereafter. The meeting is for the purpose of reviewing the following item:

Applicant: Colusa Industrial Properties
Owners: Colusa Industrial Properties
Location: Davison Drive, South of Sunrise Blvd.
APN: 017-130-105 and 114
Zoning: O-S & C-O

Project: Tentative Parcel Map Subdividing two parcels into 4 parcels and a remainder.
The Planning Commission will consider an application for a tentative parcel map submitted to subdivide approximately 34.13 acres consisting of two parcels (1 parcel = 33.28 ac, 1 parcel = 1.22 ac) into four parcels and a remainder as follows:

Parcel 1 = 0.42 ac
Parcel 2 = 0.42 ac
Parcel 3 = 0.62 ac
Parcel 4 = 2.06 ac
Remainder = 30.16 ac

This current proposal contemplates no infrastructure improvements and proposes no development to be requested at this time, thus no impacts are anticipated to be evaluated.
Environmental Review:

Categorically Exempt under CEQA
City Contact:
David Swartz, City Engineer,
or Jesse Cain, City Manager
Phone: (530) 682-9832 or 530-682-2933

All interested parties are invited to attend and express their opinions or provide written comments before the hearing. Written comments can be submitted to the Planning Department at the above address, until 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 14th, 2022. Oral comments can be made at the Public Hearing.

Subsequent to the Planning Commission hearing, an appeal period of ten (10) calendar days will commence, during which an appeal of the Planning Commission’s decision may be made to the Colusa City Council. Appeals must be accompanied by a corresponding fee and may be filed at the Planning Department in City Hall at the address above. Challenges to Planning Commission’s decision may be limited only to those issues raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Colusa at, or prior to, the public hearing.

06/01/2023 – CCPR # 2023-0351

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