Saturday, May 18, 2024

Life is good today: Eggs!!

Back in the 70s living in Portland, Ore., there were shortages. There was a milk shortage, and we were put on an odd and even day system to buy gasoline.

Now, among other things, I guess it’s eggs. That’s a bad thing at holiday baking time. In this past week, it took me three attempts to get three dozen eggs.

The first place I looked was totally out. Other places had limits on the number of cartons you could purchase.

Adding insult to injury, the prices are totally out of control. Sadly, it is likely to get worse.

I spent close to $300 on groceries this week and only bought one meat item. There’s something wrong with that.

I’m getting concerned about what is to come.

We’ve been battling some early onset winter weather here in North Dakota. When the newscasters use words like arctic blast, bone chilling temperature, and wind chill, you know it’s time to hunker down.

At some point, you have to put on the long underwear and venture outside.

We will survive.

In all honesty, Tom and I will head south in January this year. It’ll be a nice break from snow for a while.

But for now, we are going into a week of thankfulness. Thanksgiving is more than eating turkey. It’s a time to be thankful we can be together. God has blessed us in so many ways.

Shame on me for whining about eggs and snow.

I got some eggs and I have a warm house for shelter. God is good.

Life is good today.

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