Saturday, May 18, 2024

Life is good: Be proud

Our country is ever changing. What was once simple and innocent tends today to be complicated and guilt ridden.

So many people are unfairly judged.

Life in 2022 is a challenge at best.

Still, if we dig deep we can remember the pride we once had in our country and in our fellow citizens.

I’m proud of who we are. We are a nation that has stepped up when needed.

We don’t always (hardly ever) agree on many things.

Yet there are still among us those who remember.

We remember the men and women who fought for our freedoms. For that reason we should never take for granted the price others paid for that freedom. Nor should we abuse or manipulate that freedom for our own gain.

I get so angry when I see that abuse. No one deserves more than anyone else. My opinion is that we need to earn what we get.

I have worked my whole life. It was how I was raised. If you want it, earn it.

I have seen lean times. I’ve wondered how I could buy milk or food, but never did it occur to me to ask for Welfare. The system is there to help but it is not meant to be an ongoing source of income.

I believe in God and Country. I stand for the pledge of alliance. I know that God will protect me and mine. I need only ask. The key is prayer and action. Sometimes God wants us to do our part.

As we celebrate Independence Day we need to remember, to be grateful and continue to do our part.

The responsibility belongs to all of us to make our nation strong.

I am proud to be an American.

Life is good today.■

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