Monday, May 20, 2024

Life is good: Water

Rain is a most needed gift from God. After a threatening drought here in North Dakota, the snow and the rain have come.

They both came in abundance to renew and refresh. It is a glorious thing indeed.

The only problem is that so much came so quickly that it seeped into our basement. For three days it has kept coming. Finally, it seems to be tapering off. But until now, it’s been around the clock, and we’ve been sucking it up with a shop vacuum.

There are blessings here, though. We’re thankful for the shop vacuum, and we’re thankful for the drain and pump in the basement. It could have been worse.

Our first time traveling with Rocky dog was surprisingly great. He has proven to be a good little traveler, and actually behaved better than he does at home.

An adventure this trip was a visit to Southern Hills Diner and Bakery.

Picture this. We drove several miles in the country. We turned down a gravel road and then stopped at a little old blue house.

Inside it was like going into your mom’s pantry full of home canned pickles, sauces, and jellies. There were homemade cookies, pies, and breads. The food too was fresh and homemade.

We learned that the café was on a family farm compound, and they grew most of what they served.

It’s definitely not the place for the snooty among us, but it is for the foodies. It’s an adventure.

God has a way of blessing each of us as needed. I suspect the family living out there has a daily portion of blessings.

The bonus for us that day was to share the experience with our adopted family, Vern and mom.

Life is good today. ■

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